Luna Presentation, don't struggle any more.
Why should blind people struggle?Whether it's in lessons, at work or in another environment, why should blind people not be able to interact with the elements on a powerpoint presentation?
Enter Luna Presentation.
Luna Presentation is your one stop shop for accessible powerpoint presentations, whether it is viewing them, making them or editing them.Don't fall behind in classes any more just because you've been given a powerpoint that values visual elements over accessibility.
Keep up with your work colleagues and say goodbye to inaccessible meeting presentations or slow interfaces.
Read charts as raw data, access tables without having to hold down several keystrokes.
Features include:
- Create, view and edit presentations in a fast and easy interface.
- Makes tables easy to read and edit:
- Add and remove columns.
- Add and remove rows.
- Edit cell content.
- Access charts accessibly:
- View charts in raw data form.
- View chart information such as titles of axis labels and the chart title itself.
- Add and remove series.
- Add and remove X axis labels.
- View charts with a uniform format, know what you're looking at straight away.
- Easily edit text boxes.
- Access the alternative text for images where provided.
- Move shapes around the screen and know exactly where they are.
- Use the audio positioning feature to get an image of your slide in your mind.
- Play media within the program from your slide.
- Jump between slides with supported in slide hyperlinks.
- Speed up your experience with Luna Presentation.
Simplicity is the key.
Speed can be unlocked.
Download today.
To download Luna Presentation simply click below:Installable: Luna Presentation v1.2.1 setup.exe(19MB), Version downloads: 459. total downloads: 0.
Portable: Luna Presentation, Version downloads: 367. total downloads: 0.